Stitchfinder: Knit Stitch: Cross Rib
Cross Rib Pattern (multiple of 7 sts + 1)
Row 1 (wrong side): P3, *k2, p5; rep from * to last 5 sts, k2, p3.
Row 2: Knit.
Rows 3-6: Rep Rows 1 and 2.
Row 7: K2, *sl 1 wyif, k2, sl 1 wyif, k3; rep from * to last 6 sts, sl 1 wyif, k2, sl 1 wyif, k2.
Row 8: K2, *sl 1 wyib, k2, sl 1 wyib, k3; rep from * to last 6 sts, sl 1 wyib, k2, sl 1 wyib, k2.
Row 9: Rep Row 7.
Note: In Row 10, sts in groups of 4, will be rearranged before being worked.
Row 10: K2, *sl next st onto a cable needle and hold at front of work; sl the next 2 sts to right-hand needle; sl the next st from left-hand needle onto a cable needle and hold at front of work; place the first st that was placed on a cable needle back onto left-hand needle; sl the first 2 sts on right-hand needle back to left-hand needle; place the 2nd st that was placed on a cable needle back onto the left-hand needle (the first 4 sts on left-hand needle have now been rearranged), k7; rep from * across to last 6 sts; rearrange the order of the next 4 sts as you have done previously, then k6.
Rep Rows 1-10 for Cross Rib pattern.
ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES Click for explanation and illustration |
k= knit | p = purl |
rep = repeat | sl = slip |
st(s) = stitch(es) | wyib = with yarn in back |
wyif = with yarn in front |