Cables are easy to make. They are simply worked by transferring a number of stitches to a third needle and knitting them in a different sequence. The examples shown here are worked over 6 stitches. Cables can be made over any even number of stitches (for example, 4-stitch, 8-stitch or 10-stitch cables.) A cable row is normally worked on right side rows as indicated in the pattern. A cable needle is used to hold the stitches in place as the stitches are being transferred.

Right (back) 6-stitch Cable
Right 6-stitch Cable Step 1
On the cable row, work to the cable and then slip the next three stitches onto a cable needle and hold them to the back of the work.
Right 6-stitch Cable Step 2
Leaving the stitches on the cable needle, knit the next three stitches.
Right 6-stitch Cable Step 3
Knit the 3 stitches on the cable needle without twisting them.
Right 6-stitch Cable Step 4
A completed cable with two cable rows.

Left (front) 6-stitch Cable
Left 6-stitch Cable Step 1
On the cable row, work to the cable and then slip the next three stitches onto a cable needle and hold them to the front of the work.
Left 6-stitch Cable Step 2
Leaving the stitches on the cable needle, knit the next three stitches.
Left 6-stitch Cable Step 3
Knit the 3 stitches on the cable needle without twisting them.
Left 6-stitch Cable Step 4
A completed cable with two cable rows.