Knit Sea Creature: Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

Yarn: Worsted weight yarn in dark green (A) and brown (B) [Featured: Wool-Ease]
Needles: 4 double-pointed needles
Extras: Worsted weight yarn in light green, yarn needle, embroidery floss in black, embroidery needle


Note: To construct this turtle, first make the two shells, two sets of limbs, and the head/tail piece. Then, embroider the pattern on one shell and use the same yarn to sew the limbs to the head/tail. Finally, stitch the shells closed on either side of the body. While making the shells, you will be asked to bind off as you make the last row, instead of separately knitwise as is usual. As you bind off over your kfbs, you will find that 6 small points are created on the edge of the shell.

Shell (make 2)
1st round: Using A, cast on 3.
2nd round: Kfb all. (6 sts)
3rd round: Kfb all. (12 sts)
4th round: [Kfb, k2] 4 times. (16 sts)
5th round: [K3, kfb] 4 times. (20 sts)
6th round: [Kfb, k4] 4 times. (24 sts)
7th round: [K3, kfb] 6 times. (30 sts)
8th round: [Kfb, k4] 6 times. (36 sts)
9th round: [K5, kfb] 6 times while binding off.

Limbs (make 2)
1st round: Using B, cast on 2.
2nd round: K all. (2 sts)
3rd round: Kfb, k. (3 sts)
4th round: K all. (3 sts)
5th round: Kfb, k2. (4 sts)
6-16th round: K all. (4 sts)
17th round: K2tog, k2. (3 sts)
18th round: K all. (3 sts)
19th round: K2tog, k. (2 sts)
20th round: K all. (2 sts)
21st round: Bind off.

Head/tail (make 1)
1st round: Using B, cast on 3.
2nd round: Kfb all. (6 sts)
3rd-10th round: K all. (6 sts)
11th round: K2tog, k4. (5 sts)
12th round: K all. (5 sts)
13th round: K2tog, k3. (4 sts)
14th-23rd round: K all. (4 sts)
24th round: K2tog, k2. (3 sts)
25th round: K all. (3 sts)
26th round: K2tog, k2. (2 sts)
27th round: K all. (2 sts)
28th round: Bind off.

Making up
With light green yarn and yarn needle, embroider a pattern on the knit side of one of your shells. Using the same yarn, sew the limbs together symmetrically in the middle, as if you are skewering them on the kebab of your needle. Then sew the edges of the shells to one another, sewing through and around the limbs. Use the light green yarn to add French knot eyespots to the head, and finally, finish these with French knot pupils made with black embroidery floss and your embroidery needle

Directions reproduced with permission, from 75 Seashells, Fish, Coral & Colorful Marine Life to Knit & Crochet. Courtesy of St. Martin’s Press, 2012.

k= knit k2tog = knit two together
Kfb = knit in front and back of st M1 = make 1
p = purl st(s) = stitch(es)