Spring Lace Shawl Knit-Along: Styling Tips!

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Spring Lace Shawl Knit-Along: Styling Tips!

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KAL_BADGE_2014-300x180It’s our final week of the knit along. Time to talk about finishing up and showing off our projects! I hope that throughout the knit along you have been able to pick up skills and tricks that have not only helped you in this project, but that will carry over into others and help you approach lace with more confidence.

So who feels like that 90 inches is just too far away?

Rather than letting the shawl hibernate in your works in progress basket you may be able to modify it and finish up early. If it’s too short for a shawl it might make a great cowl. Just sew the two ends together and you’ll have a stylish accessory that will carry you right into the winter!

finishedIf it is long enough to wrap around your shoulders you can use a shawl pin to keep it closed and wear it like a stole like I did.

Now if you made it all the way to 90 inches you might find the shawl a little unruly at times. To keep it in place, try sewing a few buttons along one edge of the shawl. You’ll then be able to wrap the shawl around you any way you like and secure it by using the yarn overs as button holes.

No matter how you style it you’ll have a beautiful project that everyone will be so impressed that you made! I hope you all have had fun and learned a lot. Keep your questions coming this week as your projects move toward the finish line!

About Grace: Grace DiLorenzo has been knitting for the last 10 years. What started as a hobby quickly grew into a passion. Her favorite things to make are garments and lace. As a teacher at the Lion Brand Yarn Studio in New York City she has been able to share her love of yarn crafting teaching beginning through advanced knitting and yarn dyeing classes. She has lead the first four in studio knit alongs and is excited to do it again! grace_200px
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  • Grace – Thank you so much for a wonderful time on my first knit along! Even though I have not finished my swatch yet, let alone the final product, I had a lot of fun, and I am sure that I will have no problem finishing the shawl over the summer. Since I have only done one even simpler lace pattern before this, it was great to have people to talk to as I figured out my second lace pattern and I did make it through a couple of repeats, so I have a model to compare to as I complete my project. I learned two new stitches as well as the new lace pattern, and got some more tips about blocking which was already on my radar as the next skill I needed to develop. So this was and is a perfect project for me this summer. I will finish my school semester today and then have a little more time for knitting, but it was great to have a challenging knitting project on my needles when I wanted to forget school for an hour. Anything less challenging would not have kept my mind focused on my needles.

  • Wow I can’t believe the KAL has come to an end! A week and a half ago, as a matter of fact. I have just completed the first third. I don’t get as much knitting time as I’d like to, but hoping to pick up the pace this week. I plan to go the full distance and make it the full length. I was also thinking that putting a fringe of tassels at the ends will make it even more elegant. Thank you, Grace, for this KAL! I learned so much. 😉

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